Non Sequitur
non sequitur..a statement that does not follow logically from what preceded it...a blog on politics, current affairs, life, and whatever else i feel like ranting about...
Friday, February 01, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
Oh look Gov. Sebelius doing the rebuttal...hopefully she will plug her sons jail rape-themed game
ED MORRISSEY is a no-nothing blowhard
Recently wholly unqualified blogger Ed Morrissey endorsed Mitt Romney for president. Well thanks Ed for your opinion. Ed states that the necessary qualifications for a president is the he/she must have executive experience in both the private and public sectors. Interestingly enough, having character or integrity is unimportant to Ed. Then Captain Ed dismissively brushes aside John McCain's tour as CO of the largest squadron in the navy at time, VA-174, as something any old person could do, not nearly as challenging as being the executive for the Olympics. I guess Captain Ed's service aboard the carship enterprise wasn't demonstrative enough of the challenges of command. Sorry Ed John McCain was a real captain, you are just some sorry guy that spends to much time on the computer.
But I guess he has a right to his opinion.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Florida is the key
I have come to the conclusion that the republican contest in Florida is going to be important to be sure, but it is most crucial to John McCain. The way it looks now is a two-way race. Romney vs. McCain. The contest to my estimation is neck and neck, and if McCain pulls it out the nomination is his. If Romney wins, well then it will be a race for delegates.
After talking to many republican voters it is striking how they can't do or refuse to do the political calculus and see the campaigns for what they are. The don't see the race in light of the actual facts. Many I talk say McCain isn't a true conservative so they are voting for Romney. But McCain has never been pro-choice, for gay marriage, or for strong gun regulation. Romney has. His politically convenient conversions are rampant, but I don't think that is widely known.
Moreover, even if Romney does win and say for the sake of argument he actually means what he says and just doesn't conform for the sake of votes, does he have a chance at beating Hillary or Barack? The answer, according current information and pure speculation by myself is no.
So would these so called true conservatives have another 4 years of the Clinton family rather than a proven leader?
John McCain can win, and furthermore he can lead.
Heh. This is irony..
Only viable energy source

I remember some years ago, when I was working for the governor of Ohio, going to a conference on the energy crisis and being shocked by the vast gap that renewable energy sources will someday have to fill. I also remember the governor telling me that this is going to be the biggest crisis we are going to face in the near future. I definately agreed then and still do.
The only answer is nuclear power. And from the graph illustrates why.