Monday, July 23, 2007

Blogging the Dem Debate 4

and it's over...

Did Edwards just question Hillary's fashon sense...Biden likes Kucinich's wife haha...she is a all of us hope...


God and guns...nothing of merit yet...blah blah we are very religious...oh some crazy guy with a M-16 asks about his 'babies' safety....oh and Biden slams the gun owner, he knows his patchouli smelling audience


Hedgefunds, wall street bankers controlling Hillary and Obama...demons the lot of them -Gravel


Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton? Oh there she goes with a good joke..the old 2000 election gag...'look at this stage', ahh really Hillary? You are proud of that stage?


Healthcare...borrrinnggg...oh whoa.. Dodd just hijacked the debate..nice, go chris!

Should we cover undocumented workers? Richardson: yes, Dodd: yes,


Funny tax question; Biden: rich people should be taxed more. Kucinich wants to get rid of Nafta and WTO and revert the trade system back to one based on workers rights...


Medicaid/Medicare/Social Security: Raise taxes or Decrease benefits? Richardson doesn't answer the question.


Dodd and Biden can't afford to live on minimum wage...

Blogging the Dem Debate 3

Biden: Image you are trapped in a hole, Joe Biden will get you out..


John Edwards: Nuclear power is not safe...


Gravel wants to base taxes on consumption...but most of them don't know if they took a private jet to the debate!!! Turns out everyone did except Gravel...those jets put a lot of carbon in the air..

I love hillbillys!!! They love Al Gore...oh it just was the precursor to the talking snowball asking about global warming..only in the democrat debate..


Gravel likes the question about sex ed...see that smile on his face. What the hell is John Edwards talking about?! Wrong touching? Is this what the question was? Maybe I missed it...


No no we didn't send out kids to private school...excuses, excuses..Gravel is the only one that makes a good point of competitions with schools...

NCLB...Richardson will get rid of it...min wage for teachers, never mind holding them accountable...but he wants dancing and sculpture..sounds fun...

Blogging the Dem Debate 2 do we pull out now? Obama wants to send a message to the Iraqi govt..with a diplomatic surge..oh watch out.. I wonder what message that will send to foreign insurgents?

Wow they are all over the place...Clinton is out, Kucinich is yelling, Dodd says Iraq is related to Darfur...

Oh Gravel is yelling..I love it...

Obama: don't forget I wasn't for the war!!

Dodd gave his resume of avoidance of service in Vietnam

Clinton: I am kindof a big deal..many leather bound books, smells of mahogany..

Lunch with tyrants? Obama: Sure, Clinton: No, Edward: Maybe

Get Kucinich's ring tone: text peace


Ohh international...Darfur...Richardson wants to send in UN troops to Darfur, namely muslim ones..and wants to start ignoring our strategic interests...what? Biden will send troops. Gravel is still crazy and Anderson wont let them talk. Clinton wants to send someone elses troops and wants a no fly zone...didn't know aircraft pose that much danger to the refugees.

Oh nice applause from the dem crowd...

Blogging the Dem Debate 1

Gay marriage...all the tough issues tonight. Dennis will let Jen and Marry marry. Big surprise. And what is Chris Dodd's daughters are Gay? But he still doesn't want to make it legal. Richardson wants to get rid of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" and create civil unions. And Edwards is on a journey...

Ahhh the old Gay rights, Civil rights parallel..

and surprise guests!? Let go to the this a debate or a game show?

..hmm what is the difference between banning interracial vs. banning gay marriage...lets count the ways..oh and Obama stumbles..


A lot of race questions..Edwards doesn't want your vote if you are a bigot, nice maneuver.


A reparations question, this is an issue in 2007? Come on...

Dennis Kucinich is for it....


Gotta love this Gravel guy, he is kinda crazy and I kinda like it. He loves calling out all the B.S.