Friday, January 04, 2008

Immigration Reform

Now people give McCain a lot of crap for the McCain-Kennedy immigration proposal. The whole attitude people have about it strikes me as xenophobic, the kind that has been happening in this nation since its birth. I do think that the borders need to be secured. But the whole 'round 'em up thing just doesn't make sense in two important ways. First, we need these people not only to bolster the economy, but also to help grow this nations population so we don't start to grey like Europe.

It is like we are in a bath tub, and the water are the illegal immigration is the water dripping from the faucet. First it is obvious we need to figure out how to shut off the faucet. But if all we have to remove the water is a teaspoon measurer, it becomes an absurd and futile task to try and deport 12 million people, therefore we should face the facts and have a sensible policy.

200 in the Ocho

January 2, 2008

1. Burrito Gallery (Diet and Jack; 7&7; Soco and Lime: $12) 8:00pm-10:00pm
2. Twisted Martini (Complimentary Art Walk Gatortini: $0) 11:00pm-12:00am

Well tonight is Art Walk, which is Jacksonville's silly excuse to get people drunk downtown besides the bums. It is also the first Art Walk in which I have been to the city where I haven't had to work the next day, so I am pumped. But it is cold, real cold for Jacksonville, where people dress like they are about to traverse everest when it hits 35 degrees. So no one is out. But I don' t care.

Well after walking around trying to scam all these free drinks that I have been hearing about, I demanded to go somewhere where I can use money to imbibe. I have always wanted to stop at this place called Burrito Gallery. But my friends in all their homophobia thought it was a gay bar, it's not. Then we strolled down to Twisted to redeem our rightfully earned free drink. The Twisted general counsel obviously hadn't yet heard of the 14th amendment and only offer guys a dismal choice of free drinks, while girls can have anything they please. Well I had my Gatortini. A little less Gator and a little more tini and maybe I would've stayed. But I was tired and went home. 198 to go.

January 12, 2008

3. The Pearl (1 Redbull and Vodka; 3 Jack and Diets $25)

Went here with Jim and TJ. Had Jim's cab driver take us up there. It was a little slow, and being a strange bar there was a strange crowd. But Jim and TJ swear by it.
Seeing that the Jags were in the playoffs tonight, everyone is down at the landing. TJ hit on some weird drunk girl who dropped her drink. That is about the most interesting thing that happened.


Now I think resolutions are stupid and trite, but in the spirit of new years I am going to work on two things, well one is not quite a resolution, but a challenge, and the other is a resolution. First I am going to use apostrophes in the correct manner, no matter what. If in email, IM, texting they will be used correctly and dogmatically. Quite an admirable goal to strive for. Maybe next year I'll work on not ending sentences in prepositions.

Now on the eve of going to the BCS championship I realize I am getting old, almost too old to go act like an idiot with my fraternity brothers. Well that will never get old. But the idiocy will become less frequent. Now with this in mind I decided to blog about all my going out experiences this year. I have maybe an agreement with my neighbor Jim that we are going to try to go to 200 bars in 2008. I dub this 200 in the Ocho. This quest is not original, but it will be fun. Plus it will also be a challenge to find that many bars in Jax, so I am guessing that there will be some road trips. I have decided to include that of my trip this weekend. I have decided to do it on this blog, since it doesn't seem to have any constant theme anyways. And who am I kidding, no one will really see it either.

McCain is an America nationalist and progressive reformer in the tradition of Teddy Roosevelt

Enough said...

New Downtown Jacksonville Attraction

While on my first art walk this week in the bitterly cold temperatures on a search for the free alcohol cornucopia that I have heard so much about, I found something else. Jax might get a new attraction downtown. I know what you are thinking with all the excitement does downtown Jax need more stuff to do?

But I think this would be pretty cool, and everyone loves a good ship museum. See here and here.

The only thing better would be to be able to get tours of that Maxwell House plant...

News Flash: P-3Cs are old and decrepit

A lot of people, well two, have asked me about the most recent insult to the proud patrol and reconnaissance force of the U.S. Navy. Well I guess when you are on these things on a daily basis it isn't that surprising...

Don't worry guys 2019 is right around the corner...