Friday, January 04, 2008

Immigration Reform

Now people give McCain a lot of crap for the McCain-Kennedy immigration proposal. The whole attitude people have about it strikes me as xenophobic, the kind that has been happening in this nation since its birth. I do think that the borders need to be secured. But the whole 'round 'em up thing just doesn't make sense in two important ways. First, we need these people not only to bolster the economy, but also to help grow this nations population so we don't start to grey like Europe.

It is like we are in a bath tub, and the water are the illegal immigration is the water dripping from the faucet. First it is obvious we need to figure out how to shut off the faucet. But if all we have to remove the water is a teaspoon measurer, it becomes an absurd and futile task to try and deport 12 million people, therefore we should face the facts and have a sensible policy.


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